Strelets |
Strelets |
SHQ - helmet not quite right, but still lovely figures |
Strelets |
Strelets |
Did these a while ago, and satisfied with the way they came out. After painting they were dipped with Army Painter Quickshade strongtone and they were left to dry for a couple of days. The Quickshae helps a lot to improve the general look of the figures - but then you have to hit them with matte varnish to take away the shine. This was the first time I had used the Quickshade and overall I was very happy with the outcome. I still have a medium mortar, vickers mg team and some gunners to do up, all from SHQ as the Strelets set does not include those. Also left to up is the Strelets Officer and mg teams, lewis guns not brens though. Which is fine for Early War. I also intend giving these lads a spin against the Japanese, in a fictional invasion of Madagascar by the Japanese.